Vladimir Lipsky was born in a small Shelkovichi village, a place, that “opened the light for me,” as the writer says. From his father Stepan Lipsky has gotten notebooks, where his father recorded all kind of works he had been doing in the kolkhos. These records Vladimir Lipsky then used in his book “Lavren’s hard workings”.
His own hardworking life a future writer started in 1960 at the Gorodeyah’s Sugar Plant, after graduating of Minsk Industry College. He began as a worker and finished as an engineer and the head of local Trade Union. Then he entered and successfully graduated Belarusian State University and worked in the Neswizh regional paper. 1971 the first his book appeared, documentary “Raikom’s working days”. Then: “Days by days”, “What is a happiness?”, “Pridvina’s wonder”… 1976 he entered Writers Union Of Belarus, where he worked as a secretary. 1978 Well-known Belarusian writer Ivan Shamiakin recommended him as a chief editor for children’s magazine “Vyasiolka”(Rainbow). At position he has been working for 30 years already, during which he has created a fruitful team, lifted up the magazine on the European level of the best children’s press.
As for Lipsky he became a well-known Belarusian children’s writer, has made many popular books: “Blot-Blacking and Yanka from Wandergorsk”, “About Andreika Dobrick and Little Deuce Duronick”, “Adventures of Zerick”, “Merry alphabet”, “Queen of the white princess”, “Dobrodey for all the children”…
Lipsky began his children’s literature in 1974, when his first book for children was issued – “Rygor’s adventures”. In 1977 an another book for children was published – “Marynchina’s fairytale”. His son Igor and daughter Marina used to be a kind of inspiration for these works. A bit later – grandsons Anton, Masha and Tolick.
But as Lipsky says “I think the best book of mine is awaiting, it is a deal of future.
Children are so curious, so wonderful little hearts that is a real pleasure to present them with good things”.
Since 1988 Lipsky headed Goodwill organization Belarusian Children Fund. This helps Liposky to assist in children’s life not only by literature. His own childhood was taken out by the war, that is why he is very eager to fight for kids’ rights. “Children fund and “Vyasiolka” – here is my political party and my policy”, he says.
Vladimir Lipsky is simultaneously a member of jury for humor annual festival in Kalinkovichie region the place Austukie, some kind of Bulgarian Gabrovo – the center of a local humar. He has turned this festival to a new more professional level, opening another page of national folklore. It proves an idea that Lipsky’s creation way is various, has a strict prospect to grow up: documentary, children’s fairytales, chronicles of the past events, pedagogical, and “austukovsky” style of folk anecdotes and stories.
His book “History of my family” (1998) is a result of his research of his own roots. Anatoly Vertinsky, famous poet and a historian named this book “the hero-book”. Another historian Alexander Mikhalchenko named Lipsky “Columbus of Belarusian archives”.
Together with his wife Nina he rose up son Igor and daughter Marina. He has grandsons Anton, Masha and Tolik. 2001 he was awarded by a state premium for children’s literature. He has also awarded by an order of Fransisc Skorina, and a bit earlier Lipsky gained an international award of Albert Shweitsar for his activity for Chernobyl’s children.
His love to life, his ability to love every day of life Vladimir Stepanovich Lipsky is carrying on through all his life. “What am I doing? I love my life!” he writes with a young optimism.
Margarita Efimova
Candidate of history science,
The author of textbook about Lipsky “I am not surviving, I am living!”
1974 Grishka’s adventures (fairy tales, short stories)
1975 What happiness is like (writer’s reflections)
1977 Marinka’s tale (fairy tales, short stories)
1980 Steep miles (tale of a war hero)
1982 Kljaksa-Vaksa andYanka from Divnogorsk (fairy-tale)
1984 A Present (fairy tales, short stories)
1987 Kuprevich lessons (a tale of biology teacher, President of the National Science Academy of Belarus)
1988 Shpundik’s confessions (a tale for teenagers )
1989 Love me whatever comes (a tale)
1990 The Unknown (historical tale of the "Narodnaya Volya" member Ignat Grinevicki)
1992 А foundling (a tale of orphans)
1992 Merry Alphabet (fairy tales, short stories)
1993 A tale of Andrejka Dobrik and Duronik the devil (fairy-tale)
1993 The tale of how God created the world (the Bible stories retold for children)
1993 Requiem over the living (a tale)
1994 Klyaksa-Vaksa (BlotBlacking) and Yanka from Divnogorsk (a graphic tale)
1995 Fathers and Sons (a diary)
1995 Avtjukovcy (People from the village Avtjuki) (folk humour)
1997 Snowdrops in the sky (a tale of children orphaned during the war)
1998 Antonik-ponik (Tony the Pony) (fairy tales, short stories)
1998 Me. The tale of our origins.
1999 Mother. Son’s prayer. (tale)
2000 Walking barefoot on the stars (tale)
2000 Queen of white princesses (fairy tales, short stories)
2002 Our Masha (fairy tales, short stories)
2002 Son of a day (tale)
2004 Father. Letters to Heaven. (tale)
2004 Live today (prayers and confessions)
2006 We. A tale of our family names.
2006 Seagul of Naroch (tale)
2007 Nulik’s adventures (fairy-tale)
2008 I live here (a tale of Belarus for children)
2009 The Ondine of Switaz (tales of Belarus for children)
2009 Bow to the grass (tale)
2009 Yanka’s garland (tales of the national Belorussian poet Yanka Kupala)
2010 Alphabet of life (children encyclopaedia)
2010 We are all relatives (tales and short stories)
2011 Rainbow over Neman (tales of Belarus for children)
2012 Muzhik (A man) (tale)
2013 Sun above the head (letters to the grandson)
2013 A little horse of Milograd (historical tale for teenagers)
2013 Dabradzej (literally: someone who does good deeds) for all children (a fairytale of children rights)
2013 Golden House (fairy-tales)